amnesty international russia

[5] Similarly, the perpetrators of the vicious attack on environmentalist Andrey Rudomakha in Krasnodar Region in southern Russia in December 2017 were not identified, and neither were those who abducted and mock executed of Amnesty International’s researcher Oleg Kozlovsky in Ingushetia in October 2018.

Under new legislation adopted in March, “spreading fake news” and “insulting” the state, its symbols and organs on the internet became administrative offences punishable by heavy fines. Amnesty International UK Section Charitable Trust. In March, Shali City Court convicted the Head of Memorial’s Grozny office Oyub Titiev of drugs possessionsentenced him to four years’ imprisonment.

At least 9,000 of Russia’s 519,600-strong prison population are over 60-years-old and many more in poor health. Anastasia Shevchenko, in Rostov-on-Don, was arrested on 21 January and, after two days in detention, spent the entire year under house arrest pending trial.In October, a court in Krasnodar convicted human rights lawyer Mikhail Benyash of “use of violence against representatives of authorities” and fined him 60,000 roubles (US$ 969), reduced by half on account of the two months he had spent in pretrial detention. Refugees were forcibly returned to destinations where they were at risk of torture.Five years after its voting rights were suspended following the annexation of Crimea, Russia returned to the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) after a diplomatic compromise. Fakhraddin Abbasov (Aboszoda), a political emigre from Azerbaijan resident in Russia since 2008, had been in detention since September 2018 following an extradition request from Azerbaijan whose authorities accused him of crimes against the state. All charges against Yulia Galiamina must be immediately dropped. Amnesty International is calling on the Russian authorities to fully investigate the circumstances surrounding the unexpected and serious deterioration in the health of opposition leader Aleksei Navalny, and allow him to be immediately diagnosed by - and receive treatment from - …

In February, the first person to be detained following the ban, Danish national Dennis Christensen of the local Jehovah’s Witnesses’ group in Orel, central Russia, was sentenced to six years’ imprisonment for “organizing activities of an extremist organization.”The mounting evidence of abduction, torture and killing of gay men by the authorities in Chechnya over previous years, was consistently ignored by the federal authorities. Human rights defenders in #Russia face extreme persecution and even death. Kotov was sentenced to four years’ imprisonment, Borovikov to 400 hours of mandatory works and Egorov was still awaiting trial at the end of the year.In October, peaceful activists Yan Sidorov and Viacheslav Mordasov were each sentenced to over six years’ imprisonment in a strict regime penal colony, for their 2017 brief peaceful picket in Rostov-on-Don, southern Russia,. The charges against Yulia Galiamina are a travesty and amount to using the justice system to criminalize peaceful protests. Those attempting to exercise these rights faced reprisals, ranging from harassment to police ill-treatment, arbitrary arrest, heavy fines and in some cases criminal prosecution and imprisonment. Syrian government forces have committed a series of humanitarian violations that amount to "war crimes" in its campaign against rebels, Amnesty International said in an analysis Monday. Under Yeltsin's rule, Russian political institutions became quite weak, undermined by a lack of resources, widespread corruption and competing jurisdictions between governments at the central, regional and local levels.

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