dead by daylight feng min build

She pushed herself too far, slept too little, and her performance began to slip. Feng Min pushed her limits to prove she was the best. The noises caused by your repairs and their hearing distance are reduced. She spiraled out of control and fell into a pattern of self-destruction. ว นน ก ย งอย ก บเกม Dead by Daylight และว นน เราจะมาทำการร จ กผ รอดช ว ตส ดฮ ตในเกมน นก ค อ ฟางหม น โดยการแนะนำ Dead by Daylight-Feng Min น นเราจะ At night, she would stay up, tormented by the thought of disappointing her parents… and her fans.

Ela foi introduzida como o sobrevivente de CHAPTER IV: Spark Of Madness , um capítulo DLC lançado em 11 de Maio de 2017. In the gaming world, however, she finally found respect. Feng Min pushed her limits to prove she was the best. The hair looks amazing I love the little bits of detail with her ear piercings and earrings. このゲームでは発電機を制するものが主導権を握る。「テクニシャン」と「警戒」があれば、発電機の攻防戦で優位を保てる。修理中に殺人鬼に見つかり主導権を奪われる事があっても、「しなやか」があれば危機を回避できる。「しなやか」は殺人鬼に追われている時にしか使えないが、発電機周辺は窓枠等が多いことを活かして発動させよう。 Now, she was going to win. The brand new worlds enchanted her with colors, sounds, and explosions – a chance to be somewhere else, or someone else. Dead By Daylight Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

You are apt at handling machinery with the greatest care and precision. She came running, passed by a wounded girl and didn’t stop. 勝利を第一としたミンの能力だが、他の生存者と同じように大きな弱点を抱えている。複数行動に向かない点だ。固有パークはどれも自分にしか効果がないため、他生存者との協力プレイが足枷となりうる。「テクニシャン」は共同修理だと音が漏れ、「警戒」は自分にしかオーラが見えず、「しなやか」を活かすには窓枠を塞ぐ仲間が邪魔になる。このため、ミンのパークは単独行動に向いている。 But it couldn’t last forever; The pressure to be the best grew stronger and stronger. Inspired by the Olympic Pantheon of antiquity, Dead by Daylight's new Greek Legends Collection garnishes Survivors and Killers in outfits reminiscent of the ancient world but with a modern twist. Lithe cannot be used while Exhausted. Feng Min all the way. At the top of her game, she filled stadiums with fans who adored her. Feng Min was a young girl when she first picked up computer games, and she was instantly hooked. She felt smothered by parents who refused to see the potential of a future in games, so she left home and spent her time in internet cafés and LAN parties where the old rules didn’t apply. She felt smothered by parents who refused to see the potential of a future in games, Feng Min was a young girl when she first picked up computer games, and she was instantly hooked. Her parents became what she called “holiday parents” as she never saw them outside the holidays, and she became the black sheep of a one-child-family. She started to lose. Nicknamed the “Shining Lion,” she was invited to join a prestigious e-sports team and to live in their dorms, where she found a sanctuary free of the misconceptions and prejudice she had felt from her parents and the non-gaming world. (Feng Min) 難易度:簡単 発電機修理を密かに行うパーク、緊急時の逃走に役立つパーク、 殺人鬼が特定の行動をとった時に位置を察知するパークを持つ。発電機をめぐる攻防の場面で活躍する。 発電機の攻防戦に向いているミンの固有パークだが、他の状況でも有用だ。心音が聞こえる程の距離で他生存者が追われていても、「テクニシャン」があれば発電機修理を続けられる。マップを覚えて窓枠位置を把握すれば「しなやか」を使いこなして殺人鬼を引き付け、味方のために時間を稼ぐ事ができる。最も魅力的なのは「警戒」だ。殺人鬼の位置を察知できる他のパークと比較すると、リスクと制限は小さく、効果は非常に大きい。これらのパークを使いこなせば、状況を判断して最適な動きをとれる。だが、プレイヤー自身が判断力を磨いておかなければ効果は薄い。ある程度ゲームに慣れた中級者向けのキャラクターだ。 ミンについて纏めると、勝利を追い求め続けている「勝者」だ。発電機の修理を効率化し、また幅広く運用すれば最適な行動を取れる固有パークを持っている。どんなゲームも勝利に向けて進む事が重要であり、彼女のパークはその要点を伸ばす能力となっている。ただ勝利を目指して追い求める姿。この姿こそ“輝く王獣”と呼ばれた理由だ。その名前を取り戻すために勝利を手にしよう。 Her parents saw no wrong with a few minutes in front of the screen, but as minutes turned into hours and sometimes days, they finally decided to pull the plug and force Feng Min to put more efforts into her studies. Feng Min did not despair – as she learned more about the challenge she was up against, she realized this was what she had been training for her entire life.

Just a glance behind her, and she was off again. But it couldn’t last forever; The pressure to be the best grew stronger and stronger. When the Killer performs the break action within range, he is revealed to you.

Wanna play survivor more and feng mins outfits look great tbh. 発電機の攻防戦を得意とした固有パークが特徴的なキャラクター。殺人鬼に気づかれないように修理を進め、距離を問わず殺人鬼の位置を把握し、見つかったら素早く逃げることができる。ただし、一人狼の性質が災いして他生存者と協力する能力に劣る点に注意しよう。 One day she woke up somewhere completely different… in a never-ending nightmare. On a failed repair Skill-check, there is a chance the generator explosion will be prevented.

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