führerhauptquartier wolfsschlucht 1

The battery had a fire support role defending the Landesfront of the Verteidigungsbereich of...Flushing was of great strategic importance during WW2. The lads where a great bunch and we did not complain. the place started to fill up with, i assume officials. Concentrations Camp Stutthof lies about 35 kilometres...Hidden in a small forest at West-Souburg, heavy Batterie Nord "Stützpunkt Fichte" was a field position of the Kriegsmarine. neuThe “dummy” schartenturm is connected to a bunker underneathA hatch leading to the inside of the bunker underneathWhen the D537 transfers into the Rue Principale, you will have reached a fork in the road. The bunker is comprised out of two separate sections across it’s full length; an office building accessible  from the main road and a large heavy anti-aircraft bunker at the backside, providing shelter for the personel in case of an air raid. The gate was open!This was a chance we couldn’t pass up, it might be closed tomorrow, so we decided to enter. Mai 1940 begannen die Bauarbeiten für dieses Projekt, ausgeführt von der Organisation Todt (OT). When Organisation Todt started the Wolfsschlucht 2 construction, the tunnel interior was reinforced and 4 heavy blast doors on suspended rails were installed at 80 and 120 metres from each end. Für die Auswahl eines geeigneten Standortes war Fritz Todt, Reichsminister für Bewaffnung und Munition, verantwortlich.

Ventilation shafts and water supply points were also installed.In 1972 the tunnel was again reinforced with concrete in accordance with stronger regulations, including the tunnel entrances, swallowing the blast doors. Field Marshal Walter Model, replacing the command of Von Kluge (who had replaced Von Rundstedt) and Rommel, set up his new headquarters at the Wolfsschlucht 2 on 18 August 1944, together with his head of staff General Hans Speidel. 1 at the Wolfsschlucht 2 (W2) Führerhauptquartier on Saturday June 17th 1944. As it turns out, the friendly man is Thierry Depret (also the chairman of ASW2), and was just about to go home and close the gate. Most of the building is stripped and empty.Some old installations inside bunker 005 Wolfsschlucht 2 Margival, FranceA slightly bent hallway between the offices and bomb shelter sectionsThe concrete road passing bunker 005 leads towards the railway track. I don’t think it ever accomodated any known politician of that time, but correct me if I’m wrong. Thierry did envite us to come by again the next day, but unfortunately we had a very busy schedule to stick to. Part 2 of 3 of a series of `wolfs revine/Gorge` Führerhauptquartier Wolfsschlucht II ( Wolf Canyon/gorge) or W2 was the codename used for one of Adolf Hitler's World War … Die Wahl fiel auf das kleine belgische Dorf Brûly-de-Pesche, 25 km nordwestlich von Charleville-Mézières gelegen. the place started to fill up with, i assume officials. Join 1200+ other subscribers and sign up here!On June the 6th, the much anticipated Allied landing in the west had finally started. I must have gone through the back entrance. WE used block 5. the main com-centre and also block 9.Paid a visit to the wolfs revine 2, early this year. Our barracks were further up the track, and after we had cleaned out the swimming pool we had the use of it. There is an Allied Commonwealth section, a French section - Nécropole Nationale de...During the Prussian reign ideas of a waterway between the Baltic Sea and the Masurian lakes...In the Polsich city Gdansk is a cemetery in honour of the victims of concentration camp Stutthof. We decided to take our chances and visit anyway to see what we would find.Thierry driving in his car ahead of us towards Bunker 001Wandering around the countryside surrounding the Wolfsschlucht 2 all day photographing bunkers had made us tired and we decided to call it a day and try our luck entering Wolfsschlucht the next day. It would be the only occasion for which Hitler … My guess is the left way leads you to the railway tunnel entrance at the bottom of the gorge and the bunkers on the Neuville side, but we never got a chance to check that out.We stopped a few times along the way so Thierry (left) can show us some of the bunkers protecting Wolfsschlucht 2 headquartersProbably some kind of checkpoint. It is presumed that this very report led to the meeting with Hitler, Rommel, Von Rundstedt and his General Staff in the main room of Bunker No. Look closely because it is kind of hidden in the hillside, but the rusted wired fence gives it away. Here you will find the latest stories of our trips so far. This is also where the most important buildings of the complex are situated. (No gates and no one stopping me). Too much precious time was already wasted when on June 15th Rommel, in disagreement with Von Rundstedt, sent Hitler a detailed report on the situation and the risks they were taking with their current strategy. Looking for something specific?

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