unesco st kilda

It has some of the highest cliffs in Europe, which have large colonies of rare and endangered species of birds, especially puffins and gannets....[contact-form-7 id="69388" title="Newsletter subscribe"] ورغم خلوه من السكان منذ عام 1930، حافظ هذا الأرخبيل على آثار لوجود بشري يعود الى أكثر من ألفي سنة في ظروف جزر هيبريد القاسية. Share your travel photos from St Kilda and join GoUNESCO - the fun, heritage travel challenge!
Recent research indicates that the archipelago has been occupied on and off for over 4000 years. Im glasklaren Meer um die Insel herum kann man ihre Впервые архипелаг был занесен в Список ЮНЕСКО в 1986 г., а прилегающая к нему акватория вошла в объект наследия в 2004 г., благодаря чему его общая площадь практически удвоилась. Les vestiges humains incluent des structures bâties et de systèmes d’exploitation des terres agricoles, les cleits, ainsi que les traditionnelles maisons en pierre caractéristiques des Highlands. This volcanic archipelago, with its spectacular landscapes, is situated off the coast of the Hebrides and comprises the islands of Hirta, Dun, Soay and Boreray. They bear physical witness to a cultural tradition that has now disappeared, namely reliance on seabird products as the main source of livelihood and sustenance, alongside subsistence farming.
Entre esos vestigios destacan los sistemas de explotación agrarios denominados cleits y las casas de piedra tradicionales de los Highlands, huellas frágiles de un asentamiento humano con una economía de subsistencia basada en los productos de las aves, la agricultura y la ganadería ovina.Deze vulkanische archipel met zijn spectaculaire landschappen ligt voor de kust van de Hebriden en bestaat uit de eilanden Hirta, Dun, Soay en Boreray. Human vestiges include built structures and field systems, the cleits and the traditional Highland stone houses. The archipelago, uninhabited since 1930, bears the evidence of more than 2,000 years of human occupation in the extreme conditions prevalent in the Hebrides. Zum Welterbe im Vereinigten Königreich gehören (Stand 2019) 32 UNESCO-Welterbestätten, ... Inselgruppe St. Kilda: 1987 K/N 387: Der Inseln menschlichen Erbes umfassen verschiedene einzigartige architektonische Merkmale aus den historischen und prähistorischen Zeiten. В 2005 г. объект был расширен вновь с целью включения культурных ценностей, и в связи с этим он был отнесен к культурно-природному наследию по категории «культурный ландшафт».Este archipiélago volcánico de paisajes espectaculares, formado por las islas de Hirta, Dun, Soay y Boreray, se halla frente a las costas de las Hébridas y posee algunos de los más altos acantilados de Europa, donde viven inmensas colonias de especies poco comunes de aves marinas en peligro de extinción, en particular frailecillos y alcatraces. Lack of strong protection of the marine environment, unsustainable fishing methods and oil spills also pose a threat to the marine environment and seabird colonies.The modern installations, the radar base and related buildings, associated with the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) operations on Hirta, take up a relatively small footprint, although they do still have an impact on the landscape, as do the coastal defences.The challenge for conservation of the cultural landscape is to keep a balance between the principle of minimum intervention and active conservation work necessary to minimise decay, whilst keeping records of all the work that is done. Wir stellen die sehenswertesten vorLeserfoto einsenden und ein GEO-Jahresabo gewinnen!Mit unseren Newslettern erhalten Sie genau die Themen, die Sie interessieren. Supported by UNESCO.This volcanic archipelago, with its spectacular landscapes, is situated off the coast of the Hebrides and comprises the islands of Hirta, Dun, Soay and Boreray. The time depth, preservation and completeness of the physical remains, provides a tangible and powerful link to the islands’ past history, its people and their way of life, a distinctive existence, shaped by the St Kildan’s response to the peculiar physical and geographic setting of the islands.The islands provide an exceptionally well preserved and documented example of how, even in the most extreme conditions of storm-swept isolated island living, people were able to live for thousands of years from exploiting natural resources and farming. SHARES. There is no place like St Kilda. Added Natural Criterion II (very high bird densities) 1986 Inscribed.

Started in January 2012 as a travel challenge with the goal of visiting all world heritage sites in India, Make Heritage Fun now has grown to a multitude of initiatives. The global, participative, engagement platform for everything heritage.

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